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New IPO - Hibiscus Petroleum

New IPO With Free Warrants – “Caveat Emptor”

Giving free warrants to IPO subscribers has resurfaced in Bursa Malaysia this year after many years of absence. Sunway Infrastructure Berhad was the first company who gave away free warrants when it was listed in 2003. This year, MClean Technologies and soon to be listed Hibiscus Petroleum are the ones who give free warrants to IPO subscribers. Unfortunately, giving away free warrants also means that the IPO price is overpriced. Investors who are attracted to the free warrants attached to IPO must know that the warrant is actually “not free” because the “overvalued” IPO price will most likely drop due to profit taking. In any case, investors should wonder why is there a need to give away free warrants at IPO stage.

The latest IPO with free warrants is Hibiscus Petroleum, the first SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company). The bulk of the IPOs will be done through private placement (190-390 million shares at 75 sen each) and a small portion of 10 million shares will be made available to the general public via balloting. The ratio of free warrants(Warrant-A) to ordinary shares subscribed is 1 for 1, which is actually above the normal restriction of total issued of company warrants not exceeding 50% of existing shares. Furthermore, there is another tranche of warrants (Warrant-B) which would not be listed but has a much lower exercise price of 10 sen as against 50 sen for Warrant-A. Warrant-B was issued to initial investors of Hibiscus Petroleum.

Hibiscus Petroleum, being a new type of company (SPAC), is a tough sell as it is basically a “blank cheque” company. Why would investors want to pay such a high premium to subscribe new shares in a company with no track records and when initial investors are already getting many fold increase in the valuation of their investments based on the IPO price. These investors also gets Warrant-B with a much lower exercise price than Warrant-A. (Please refer to the Prospectus on Initial Investors subscription of RCPS and subsequent conversion feature)

The creation of free warrant with an intrinsic value of 25 sen (Exercise Price of 50 sen as against IPO price of 75 sen) is basically telling subscribers that the promoters are giving out too much “goodies” to attract investment. In addition, the refund feature of SPAC for dissenting shareholders will be used to provide an additional “buffer” to new investors. (Please refer to prospectus of refund feature).

Will Hibiscus do another MClean? I think smart investors already know the answer!

随着MCLEAN科技招股送凭单后,现在又有一家新上市公司大红花石油有限公司(HISBISCUS PETROLEUM)要赠送凭单来吸引投资者认购。如果投资者没忘记MCLEAN科技和双威基建这两家在上市时派送免费凭单的公司股价表现,大红花石油上市后的股价并不受看好。


根据大红花石油新股招股书,这家公司所筹到的资金将会拿来投资石油开采和生产公司。股东若对收购的业务或资产若感不满可要求公司退还约九成 投资。而凭单的行使价是定在50仙,比75仙新股认购价低三分一。


这家公司所做的和多年前双威基建进行招股时的动作都是一样。如果没有像凭单那样的“甜品”做奖励,一般投资者一定不会认购。 当然我不否定大红花石油在目前石油价高的时候或有支持,但使用到赠送凭单这一招的前科都不算好。投资者若要认购真的要三思.

(Wrote by The Specialist Warrants)

